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​​​​​Rödl & Partner co-organises diverse training seminars, conferences, trade fairs and business meetings, thus creating opportunities to acquire practical knowledge and skills in many areas of business, e.g. in finance, taxes and law. Such events are possible thanks to our collaboration with renowned training firms from Poland and abroad. Trainers and speakers from Rödl & Partner are expert professionals with extensive knowledge and hands-on work experience in their field. 


Our training offer includes:

  • Open training courses available to all interested parties; during the courses Rödl & Partner experts discuss topics they deal with in their day-to-day practice.
  • Customised training courses are organised at individual clients' request and address topics of their choice.

Most of our events are held in Polish. To find out more, click on “Current events” organized by Rödl & Partner in Poland.


Contact Person Picture

Aleksandra Pilecka

Head of Marketing, Communications & Business Development

+48 692 681 982

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