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Renewable energy sources – major legislative changes on the horizon


by ​Jakub Plebański

19 May 2023

Renewable energy producers face major legislative changes – two key bills modifying the legal environment for renewable energy sources in Poland have recently landed in Sejm.

First, there is a bill amending the Renewable Energy Sources Act and certain other acts (UC99) which introduces special rules regarding PPAs in Poland for the first time. The bill introduces also major changes to the functioning of energy clusters.

Furthermore, the UC99 bill includes provisions that unlock the potential for biomethane production in Poland. The lawmakers want to open the biomethane market and lay down the conditions for the biomethane to be fed into the distribution and transmission network of natural gas.

Regulations concerning production of agricultural biogas are bound to be more favourable. We are seeing a complete overhaul in this area which improves the investment conditions by means of the draft act on facilitated preparation, implementation and operation of agricultural biogas projects.

Second, there is the bill amending the Energy Act and certain other acts (UC74) which also brings important novelties. It relaxes the laws governing the construction of direct power lines. They may boost investments on the Polish photovoltaic market by allowing construction of new production units regardless of the connection power of the national power grid. 

Another good idea in the UC74 bill is the introduction of contracts with dynamic electricity pricing (dynamic electricity tariffs) which allow flexible buying of electricity when the market price drops. The dynamic tariffs may help the renewable energy industry by increasing power consumption whenever there is surplus energy in the grid.

Our experts are monitoring the legislative work on the above bills. We are at your service. 


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Jakub Plebański

Senior Lawyer (Poland)

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