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Labour law


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Labour law (a.k.a. employment law) is of key importance to every enterprise hiring employees in Poland. Good employer-employee relations are a crucial factor affecting the success of the enterprise. The knowledge and application of the current labour legislation is the basic condition to ensure them.

Rödl & Partner experts keep you informed about labour law changes that may affect the organisation of work in your enterprise and about decisions of the Supreme Court and the Court of Justice of the European Union in labour law matters. You will also find here examples of labour law solutions that are optimal for both the employer and the employee, as well as topics related to social security.




Protection of workers exposed to carcinogens, mutagens or reprotoxic substances »

Employers hiring workers exposed to carcinogens, mutagens or reprotoxic substances​ are obliged to observe the amended Regulation of the Minister of Health.​

Employee’s rights in case ​of flood »​

Due to the ongoing state of flood emergency and the introduction of the state of natural disaster in affected areas, we would like to remind you about the rights of employees living there.​


New rules for setting the minimum wage »​​

On 22 July this year, the Council of Ministers published the objectives of the Minimum Wage Bill in its schedule of legislative and programme work.​


Remote work after one year of legislation in force »

It has been over a year since the definition of remote work was permanently incorporated into the Polish legal system. Although it has been around on a large scale since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, it was not until 2023 that it was regulated by law.


Directive on improving working conditions in platform work is coming »​

The European Parliament adopted on 24 April 2024 a directive on improving working conditions in platform work.


Minimum wage in 2024 – key information »​

​The minimum wage has been raised again in 2024. The minimum wage from 1 January is 4,242 zloty gross, which will go up to 4,300 zloty gross on 1 July. The minimum hourly rate has increased accordingly.​


Equality and transparency of pay in the European Union »

Directive (EU) 2023/970 of the European Parliament and of the Council to strengthen the application of the principle of equal pay for equal work or work of equal value between men and women came into force on 6 June 2023. 


Overtime work in the context of part time employment – a new judgment of the CJEU »

On 19 October 2023 in Luxembourg – after three years of processing the request for a preliminary ruling from the German Federal Labour Court – the CJEU issued a judgment in case C-660/20 Lufthansa CityLine.

No more teleworking »

Teleworking is no longer an option since 7 October 2023.

Accident at work – what to do if it happens?

Incidents considered accidents at work can happen in any workplace. Then, it is important to know what the injured worker should do and what the employer's obligations are.


Labour law proceedings – amendments to the Code of Civil Procedure »

On 28 July 2023, the Polish Parliament passed the bill amending the Bridging Pensions Act and certain other acts.


Amendment of the regulation on personnel documentation »

The Regulation of the Minister of Family and Social Policy of 9 May 2023 amending the regulation on personnel documentation has been published in the Journal of Laws.

Changes to personnel documentation »

Amendments to the regulation of the Minister of Family, Labour and Social Policy concerning personnel documentation were announced on 13 March 2023.


Regularisation of Ukrainians in Poland – amendments to the special law »

The Senate is working on amendments to the Act of 12 March 2022 on Assistance to Citizens of Ukraine in Connection with an Armed Conflict in that State. 


Work-life balance laws published »

The Act amending the Labour Code with respect to work-life balance was published in the Journal of Laws on 4 April 2023.


Childcare leave – key facts »

Do you want to request childcare leave? Look at what the law says.


The Polish Labour Code soon to be amended again »

During it session held on 8 March, the Senate passed 45 amendments to another act amending the Labour Code.  


Regulation on alcohol testing published in the Journal of Laws »

Amendments to the Labour Code under which employees may be preventively tested for the presence of alcohol or substances having similar effects to alcohol became law on 21 February 2023. 


Polish president signs amended Labour Code »

Polish president has signed into law amended Labour Code introducing provisions on remote work and alcohol testing.


Automatic enrolment of employees to the Employee Capital Plan in 2023 »

According to the Employee Capital Plan (ECP) Act, employers will be required effective 1 April 2023 to automatically enrol employees who opted out of the ECP membership before the employer concluded on their behalf an ECP account maintenance agreement for them.


Minimum wage in 2023: overview »

3,490 zloty gross from January, and 3,600 zloty gross from July. This is the minimum wage in 2023. What does it mean for enterprises?


Transposition of EU directives into the Polish Labour Code »

The Polish parliament (Sejm) received on 11 January 2023 the government's bill amending the Labour Code.


Higher standard mileage rates »

An amendment to the regulation concerning the terms and conditions of determining and reimbursing the costs of private cars, motorcycles and motorbikes not owned by the employer but used for his business purposes will come into force on 17 January 2023.


On 1 December 2022, the Sejm passed a bill amending the Labour Code, in particular its remote work provisions. 


New rates for travel and other allowances payable for business travel »

The legislation governing the rates of travel allowances and overnight limits for foreign business travel will change as of 29 November 2022. 


Hiring foreigners in Poland in the context of GDPR »

The growing interest in hiring foreigners from outside the European Union among Polish employers triggers numerous doubts and questions. They concern, among other things, personal data processing, especially when it comes to regularisation of work and stay in Poland. 


Big changes in employment contracts for a probationary period »

The bill amending the Labour Code in connection with the implementation of the EU directive on transparent and predictable working conditions in the European Union envisages significant changes in the rules of concluding employment contracts for a probationary period.


A short guide to employing a non-EU citizen in Poland » 

More and more employers want to hire citizens from countries outside the European Union, the European Economic Area or Switzerland (the so-called third countries) in Poland. 


Homeland defence and the obligations of employers and employees »

The Homeland Defence Act was promulgated on 23 March 2022. It regulates a number of obligations relating to, among others, national defence, recruitment for military service, types of service, and also deals with actions of employees and employers in this respect. 


The Act on Assistance to Citizens of Ukraine already in force »

The Act on Assistance to Citizens of Ukraine in connection with an armed conflict in that state was published in the Journal of Laws and entered into force on 12 March 2022 (the Special Act, Journal of Laws of 2022, item 583). 


Guide part 2 – how to hire a citizen of Ukraine? Simplified procedure »

Want to hire a citizen of Ukraine? The simplest and most practical solution will be to use a simplified procedure. 


Guide part 1 – how to hire a citizen of Ukraine? Regularisation of stay »

Want to hire a Ukrainian citizen? Their stay and work in Poland must be regularised. Regularisation of work lies with the employer. Regularisation of stay – with the foreigner. 


Posting of workers from Ukraine to Poland »

People from Ukraine can work in Poland if their stay is legal and if they hold a relevant work permit. 


Labour Code and remote work »

The Ministry of Development, Labour and Technology published on 19 May 2021 a bill amending the Labour Code to include the remote work rules for good. 


Disclosure of earnings vs. trade secret »

In the future, following the proposed European Union directive, earnings will be generally known to all employees, and the amount of remuneration will already be included in the job advertisement. 


COVID-19 – can the employer order employees to work from home? »

The epidemiological threat caused by SARS-CoV-2 poses special challenges not only to public healthcare systems, but also employers whose employees had or might have had a contact with the virus. 


Employee Capital Plans: employers’ information obligations »

Among the employers’ obligations connected with the Employee Capital Plans (ECP), the ECP Act imposes information obligations towards employees and financial institutions. 


Employee Capital Plans (ECP) – key information »

Payout options differ depending on the age of an employee. In the period when savings are collected, i.e. before turning 60, payouts will be possible only under special circumstances. 


How to properly calculate the working time of a field worker? »

Calculating the working time of a worker who works on the employer’s premises is normally not a problem. But how to calculate the working time of a worker who works in the field? 


Employee Capital Plans »

We would like to remind you that the Employee Capital Plans Act of 4 October 2018 (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 2215) entered into force on 1 January 2019.


Digitalisation of personnel files – new law in Poland »

An act amending certain acts in connection with the shortening of the minimum personnel files' storage period and their digitalisation was passed on 10 January 2018. 


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Katarzyna Małaniuk

Attorney at law (Poland)

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