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​​​​​​​​​​​​​E-commerce is becoming an increasingly popular business model. More and more consumers take advantage of the options available on the Internet and decide to buy online. That is why it is key for every business to be present online – this provides you with tools by which your products can reach as many customers as you want.

Starting an online shop involves several steps that will allow you to use effectively the opportunities offered by digitisation. You should also protect yourself against hacking attacks and work closely together with your IT department or external service provider in setting up your website and its​ functionalities. Besides the technological aspects, you must also take account of laws and taxes.

Read the articles of our experts about the most important things to remember when starting an online shop. We describe there the basic issues of the mail order sale to and from Poland, discuss the related risks and analyse the legal aspects of online sales. ​


Updating terms and conditions of online stores – why is it necessary? »

In line with the laws currently in force, the terms and conditions of online stores must include information for consumers on the option to resolve a dispute with a seller amicably via an interactive website operated by the European Commission.


GPSR effective as soon as 13 December 2024 »

The General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR) enters into force on 13 December 2024. ​


New obligations for digital platform operators »​

​The Act amending the Act on Exchange of Tax Information with Other States and Some Other Acts entered into force on 1 July this year. ​​


Ensuring access to websites and products – obligation for enterprises »​

The Polish President signed into law on 9 May the act on ensuring compliance with the accessibility requirements for certain products and services by businesses.


Revolutionary changes in e-commerce »

Major changes in e-commerce will become law on 17 February 2024. They are rooted in the EU Regulation of 19 October 2022 – Digital Services Act – DSA.


New obligations for digital platform operators »

A bill amending the Act on exchange of tax information with other states and certain other acts is currently at the consultation stage.


Database of products and packaging – deadlines »

Deadlines for the fulfilment of certain obligations related to the database of products, packaging and waste management (waste database – Polish abbreviation: BDO) expire in February and March. 


Problems with accounting for VAT on mail order sales »

Mail order sales in Poland should not generate many problems once they are registered for VAT there. When you use a simple sales model, it should not be difficult, for example, to determine the tax point. 


EU postpones the VAT and e-commerce reform »

The European Commission has proposed to postpone for six months the implementation of the new VAT regulations governing e-commerce and supply of services to individuals in the EU. 


Mail-order sale »

Mail order sale is very popular. More and more people buy online because electronic purchases are fast, convenient and sometimes even cheaper than buying in traditional stores. 


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Jarosław Kamiński

Attorney at law (Poland)


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Karolina Sieraczek

Attorney at law (Poland)

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