We use cookies to personalise the website and offer you the greatest added value. They are, among other purposes, used to analyse visitor usage in order to improve the website for you. By using this website, you agree to their use. Further information can be found in our data privacy statement.

Privacy Policy


In this policy, we would like to inform you what kind of data, to what extent, and for what purpose we collect, process, and use whenever you visit our website.
When you visit our website, we collect, on one hand, certain data which may possibly be referred to a specific person and, on the other hand, you give your personal data when you perform certain actions on our website.


Privacy notice

Information clause.pdf
List of third parties.pdf
Webinar privacy notice.pdf



An IP address consists of four numbers separated by a dot and each number has a value between 0 and 255 (e.g. Normally, the IP address is assigned automatically by your service provider. To be able to display our website properly our server downloads your IP address and stores it in a masked form, which means that only the first three numbers are recorded (e.g. 123.45.67.xxx). Whether you have a static or a dynamic IP address, the above precaution prevents identification of a specific person. For the purposes of error analysis your masked IP address is recorded in our network server protocols (the so-called journal files), and for statistical purposes it is recorded by Google Analytics. Journal files are deleted after seven days at the latest.

Furthermore, our network server collects data provided by your web browser and records some of them in the journal files. The data include information about your operating system, the web browser you are using, the name of the displayed information, the time you entered our website, the previous website you visited (the so-called referrer), and the quantity of data delivered to you. The data cannot be used to identify a specific person because the IP address is masked. The data are also recorded and processed in the journal files to analyse errors and for statistical purposes.

Our website uses cookies. Cookies are small text files which your web browser saves on your device at the request of our website. Cookies include session cookies, which are automatically deleted when you close the web browser, and persistent cookies, which expire after up to two years.
Cookies help us analyse how you are using our website, especially the demand for the information we make available, so that we can modify and steadily improve our services according to your needs. We do not want to know how a specific person uses our web site. We just want to analyse how our website is used in general, which information is displayed and how often, which areas of the website are used more intensively, how long users stay on our website or sub-sites, where broken links are etc. Data collected for these purposes are stored anonymously or saved without reference to any specific person.
As an international enterprise, we would also like to know what countries visitors to our website come from. In this respect, your masked IP address is used for geolocation. As the IP address is masked, it is not possible to identify a specific person. For further information, please use the Help menu in your web browser.

In order to analyse the user behaviour we use Google Analytics, a web analytics and reporting tool by Google Inc. (“Google”). However, we have requested Google to make your IP address anonymous before analysing the user behaviour in the web. We have introduced certain lines to the programme code of Google Analytics.
Google Analytics uses cookies stored on your computer to allow us analysing how you use the website. The cookies used by Google Analytics may be session or persistent files which would, nevertheless, expire after usually no more than two years. The information gathered by cookies about your use of the website is normally sent to the Google servers in the USA and stored there.
As we have requested making IP addresses anonymous, your IP address is cut in the EU Member States or other European Economic Area states before it is sent to the Google server in the USA. Your full IP address may be sent to the Google server in the USA and abbreviated there only in some exceptional circumstances beyond our control.

At our request Google will use the above information to evaluate how our website is used, generate site activity reports and provide us with other services connected with the use of the website and the Internet. Your IP address provided by your web browser to Google Analytics is in no way connected to other Google data.
We would like you to note that you can prevent Google from recording and processing the data from (Google's) cookies concerning your website use (including your IP address) if you download and install a special browser plug-in available at https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=pl
You can prevent the use of cookies by our website in your web browser settings by e.g. adding our website to blocked websites or by disabling cookies in general. Furthermore, you can delete the cookies manually at any time. Please use the Help menu of your web browser to choose the relevant settings.
You may also use our website without cookies, but in occasional situations you may encounter some limitations to the website functionalities.

Our website offers you a number of different ways to contact us. In addition to registration forms for events and our newsletter subscription, we offer other on-line forms to contact our firm. Whenever you use our forms, you usually need to provide your personal data. We encourage you to approach our representatives directly.
If you use one of the on-line forms available on our website, our server automatically forwards your personal data and other data you enter to the CRM / Microsoft Dynamics 365 system. If needed, we will forward your personal data to a Rödl & Partner employee who will be able to handle your enquiry. This information is not disclosed to any third parties.
The personal data you provide in the on-line form are collected, processed and used exclusively to handle your enquiry. Any processing and use of data exceeding the above scope is always done after we obtain your explicit consent.
If you agree to receive any extra information, we will process and use your personal data to send you interesting publications, inform you about events organised by Rödl & Partner, update you on the latest changes to the legal, tax and business regulations, and provide other interesting and important information. You can revoke your consent at any time: by sending an e-mail to marketing‎@‎roedl.com or calling +48 22 696 28 30.


If you want to e-mail us, please be mindful that unencrypted e-mail messages sent over the Internet are not sufficiently protected against unauthorised access by third parties.
If you have any questions about our privacy policy, our website or about Rödl & Partner in general, feel free to call us. We are available at +48 22 696 28 30.

Rödl & Partner’s Data Protection Officer is Jarosław Kamiński. E-mail contact: gdpr.biznes‎‎@‎‎roedl.com


Contact Person Picture

Jarosław Kamiński

Attorney at law (Poland)


+48 694 207 482

Send inquiry


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