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Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)




Our approach to Corporate Social Responsibility

We are an international firm with over 45 years of presence on the market, including over 30 years in Poland. We understand the economic, environmental and social footprint of our business activity and the responsibility it implies. One of our values is to show care and it is this value which guides us especially when it comes to doing things that make up responsible business. Rödl & Partner performs several dozen CRS projects every year. Knowledge sharing, employee development or work for the benefit of local communities are especially close to our hearts. Currently we are developing Rödl & Partner’s CSR strategy that would be compatible with our business model and corporate strategy, adhere to our values, and embrace what we have agreed in dialogue with stakeholders. We want our actions to contribute to sustainable development.

Credibility in business relations with stakeholders

In contacts with stakeholders, Rödl & Partner sets priority on providing accurate information about its services, terms and conditions of business and fees. We see our responsibility to our clients as rendering reliable, top-quality services and handling our client’s matters with due care. Honesty and transparency are for us the foundation for building relations not only in business but also in non-commercial areas.


Focus on employees

Our responsibility to employees starts already with the recruitment process. We follow transparent HR processes. This includes a recruitment procedure that is clear to the job candidate, a multi-stage employee induction process, or keeping our employees informed about their career paths and development opportunities. We provide regular training to our employees and support them in building their success.

We make every effort to ensure that our employees not only enjoy safe and comfortable working conditions but also can pursue their needs and passions in other areas as well. We put emphasis on equal treatment and equal development opportunities for all employees. Our strengths include nice and friendly working atmosphere, something which is of great value to our employees.

Social engagement

Rödl & Partner has for many years participated in a number of local initiatives to support different social groups, institutions and organisations in the immediate surrounding of our offices in Poland. In doing so, we have placed particular focus on efforts aimed to provide equal opportunities to children. We have also worked a great deal with universities. Importantly, we encourage our employees to decide and suggest who should receive support and how.

Care for the environment

Corporate Social Responsibility also means that we care about our impact on the environment. We identify our environmental impact and take measures to manage that impact. With around 600 employees in Poland, we are aware of the economies of scale and therefore we want to develop eco-friendly rules for our day-to-day office work. We are amidst implementing an eco-friendly office project at one of our locations. Based on this experience, we want to expand the project to other Rödl & Partner offices in Poland.



We support the implementation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 2015-2030










Contact Person Picture

Therese Baginski

Auditor (Poland)


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