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Legal solutions launched to fight the COVID-19 epidemic affect all spheres of life, including the business activities of enterprises.


Below we inform you about the current changes, the special legislation adopted in Poland, the on-going solutions to regulate the work of public institutions and the restrictions on the mobility of employees. We also suggest the possible ways to help enterprises operate efficiently in these dynamic circumstances. Particular challenges are faced by public security and healthcare units and employers who must take decisions to ensure the well-being of their employees and at the same time comply with the Labour Code.​



last publication date: June 2020



Are you running or want to start an online business? Read our “Secure e-commerce” series of articles. Our experts present there the key aspects of e-commerce in the context of tax law and cybersecurity.



Pitfalls in accounting for subsidies from PFR

In recent weeks, companies have been busy preparing their final accounts for the subsidies received from the Polish Development Fund (PFR) as part of the first anti-crisis shield. More »


Polish Deal vs changes in the tax system

The so-called Polish New Deal was presented on 15 May 2021. According to the announcements, it is aimed at supporting and eliminating the impact of the pandemic. More »


Commercial courts at the time of pandemic

The crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic has affected businesses locally and globally. Has the pandemic affected also commercial courts and the litigation time? More »


PFR 2.0 financial aid package – the call for applications is open

This programme is open to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises affected by another wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. More »


Bankruptcy and restructuring proceedings during the COVID-19 pandemic – 2020 summary

The COVID-19 pandemic and its negative economic effects have forced enterprises to take steps to find their feet in the new economic situation and maintain their position in the market. More »

Transfer pricing in the context of pandemic – OECD Guidance

The OECD published Guidance on the transfer pricing implications of the pandemic in December 2020. More » 


How to account for PDF subsidies, or what you should remember if you’re a beneficiary

31 July 2020 was the last day to apply for subsidies granted by the Polish Development Fund for micro, small- and medium-sized enterprises within the meaning of EU law. More »


Implementation of a vaccine for SARS-CoV-2 – legal analysis

Dozens of research teams around the globe are working on a vaccine for coronavirus. Several pharmaceutical companies, e.g. Pfizer and Moderna, have already started tests on people. More »


MDR – new reporting deadlines during the epidemic

Tax scheme reporting deadlines have been suspended since 31 March 2020. Neither the taxpayers, nor their advisers have to report tax schemes at that time. More »


Consumer protection – will maximum prices be introduced?

The act of 31 March 2020 has introduced an option to set maximum prices, retail and wholesale margins for goods and services significant for the protection of human health and safety, as well as the costs of household maintenance. More »


The anti-crisis shield: can a branch office of a foreign enterprise apply for subsidies?

The anti-crisis shield introduced by the Polish government on 31 March 2020 does not specify in detail which entities are eligible for the aid provided for in the act. More »


Coronavirus: be careful about accepting penalty notices

The number of penalty notices issued by the police to the general public for violations of the new restrictions is growing. Please remember that everyone can refuse to accept a penalty notice. More »


Anti-crisis shield 2.0 and the threat of insolvency – new instrument of financial support for businesses 

The Act of 16 April 2020 on Special Support Measures In Response to the SARS-CoV-2 Outbrea has introduced a number of legal measures to stimulate financial liquidity of enterprises. More »


Dematerialisation of shares independently of coronavirus

The act of 31 March 2020 on specific steps to prevent and combat COVID-19 does not amend the deadline for dematerialisation of shares in joint-stock companies and partnerships limited by shares. More »


Anti-crisis shield and the RES sector

The crisis connected with the COVID-19 epidemic has taken a heavy toll on the RES sector. The thriving green energy sector, which was developing impressively in Poland, has run into unexpected difficulties. More »


Anti-crisis shield – Q&A

Work is underway on a package of changes aimed at supporting Polish enterprises affected by the coronavirus epidemic. More »


COVID-19 threatens also data security

We are currently witnessing global changes the occurrence of which could have been foreseen only as remote and only in the most insightful risk analyses a few months ago. More » 


Anti-crisis shield – support for tenants in shopping centres

Due to the restrictions on the operation of commercial facilities introduced, enterprises in some industries are facing a serious threat of having to shut down their business. More »


Anti-crisis package for PIT, CIT and VAT

The Ministry of Finance published its solutions comprising the so-called anti-crisis package on 19 March 2020. More »


Coronavirus: postponement of deadline for payment of social insurance contributions

The Polish Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) offers reliefs to enterprises which struggle financially because of coronavirus and cannot pay social insurance contributions on time. More »


Medical check-ups and OSH training in the context of coronavirus

The Polish Chief Labour Inspector (CLI) has presented his position on the obligation to refer employees to periodical medical check-ups and to conduct occupational safety and health training. More »


Anti-crisis shield in the context of labour law

We have been show the unofficial draft of the so-called anti-crisis shield. More »


Processing data in the context of a pandemic

After a short press release, the European Data Protection Board issued a full statement on the processing of personal data in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. More »


Renewable energy sources: decrease in electricity prices vs. auction system

The steady growth in electricity prices has encouraged renewable energy producers to look with confidence to free-market energy trade models. More »


Components of the Polish aid package

The Polish government proposed its solutions under the anti-crisis programme. The package includes solutions designed to help enterprises to cope with the epidemic-related difficulties. More »


10 rules – how to work from home safely?

In the last few weeks we have all faced an unprecedented challenge of transforming the way we perform our professional duties. Whoever can work remotely, should do so but do we really know how to do it well? More »


Mediation as a method of dispute resolution at the time of epidemic emergency

The spreading coronavirus is increasingly affecting the global economy. Both small and large enterprises, and consequently their workers, will feel that impact. More »


State of epidemic emergency – what it means for employers

Poland has declared a state of emergency due to the risk of SARS-CoV-2 (COViD-19) epidemic. The state of epidemic emergency came into force on 14 March 2020 and will remain until further notice. More »


Amendment to the special act on coronavirus – the Senate’s bill in the context of personal data protection

The special act of 2 March 2020 raises controversies and concerns about how its application will affect the processing of personal data. More »


Coronavirus vs employers – guidelines of Poland’s National Labour Inspectorate

The Polish Senate prepared on 13 March 2020 a bill amending the special act on COVID-19, which introduced a number of changes the need for which has been widely articulated. More » 


Protection package for enterprises due to coronavirus

The Ministry of Development announced that it was working on a special bill introducing a protection package for enterprises due to the increased incidence of COVID-19. More »


Data security during telework

In the time of coronavirus enterprises allow their employees to work from home. Unfortunately, they very rarely remember that this implies an increased risk for the security of data. More »


COVID-19 – can the employer order employees to work from home?

The epidemiological threat caused by SARS-CoV-2 poses special challenges not only to public healthcare systems, but also employers whose employees had or might have had a contact with the virus. More » 


Contact Person Picture

Monika Behrens

Attorney at law (Poland)


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Contact Person Picture

Jarosław Hein

Attorney at law (Poland), Tax adviser (Poland)


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