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Accounting supervision


​​​​​Companies that want to keep their accounting function in house but want to make sure that it is done properly may be interested in accounting supervision. Regular checks of the books of account can help you to stay sure that your books comply with the regulations and to avoid potential consequences of any irregularities. The external supervision ensures regular, competent and, above all, objective verification. For your employees it means substantive assistance in unusual and complicated cases.

Ask us for details

​All accounting teams in Rödl & Partner follow the Lean Management principles of continuous improvement. That is why, while exercising the accounting supervision in Poland they pay attention to streamlining the accounting processes of our clients.

The scope of the accounting supervision service is always agreed and tailored to the client's needs. 

It may include assistance in preparing the financial statements, help in creating the company's accounting policy or be limited just to monthly reviews of the books at the client's premises and verification of postings.

​The accounting supervision encompasses:
  • development, modification and implementation of a company's chart of accounts;
  • development of a company's accounting policy;
  • verification of books of account;
  • assistance in preparation or preparation of reporting documentation: tax returns and financial statements;
  • accounting consulting and advice;
  • verification or preparation of regular tax returns and obligatory reports (for, among others, the Central Statistical Office and the National Bank of Poland);
  • assistance and explanations.


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Aneta Bolka


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Tomasz Balcerak

Tax adviser (Poland)


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