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Renewable energy sources

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Why invest in RES?

Investment in renewable energy sources (RES) is growing globally year by year. Also the power industry in Poland is seeing dynamic growth. The development of the RES market is boosted by the necessity to meet the EU renewable energy goals, the constantly growing demand for electricity, the rising environmental awareness and the need to replace old power generating facilities with new ones and reduce energy purchase costs.


Local RES investment projects

Renewable energy regulations are frequently amended, so it is worth staying on top of changes in the Polish energy and administrative laws and monitoring the practical aspects of the RES market – the energy selling prices. 


You are welcome to try our services

Rödl & Partner offers renewable energy advice to enterprises planning or implementing renewable energy investment projects. Our experts present legal considerations and analyses of the Polish RES market.


State aid for RES systems in energy-intensive industries »

The second call for proposals under priority programme “Energy-intensive industry – RES” is now open with the budget of 100 million zloty. ​​​


Electric vehicle charging stations in companies – mandatory from 1 January 2025 »

The Electromobility and Alternative Fuels Act imposes new obligations on businesses from 1 January 2025 – especially to have electric vehicle charging stations.


Opportunity for cheaper electricity for energy-intensive sectors »

A bill amending the Renewable Energy Sources Act was submitted to the Sejm at the end of October. It extends the list of entities that may apply for the status of an industrial customer.​


Can a forfeited deposit be tax-deductible? »​

In several recent tax rulings, the Head of the National Revenue Information Service has once again confirmed that the deposit forfeited to the President of the ERO under the auction system is tax-deductible. ​​​​​​


Wind farms in Poland – new investment prospects »​

Poland wants to unlock the potential of wind energy – the draft new laws make spatial planning for wind farms more flexible.


Grants and soft loans for green transition from NRRP »

August will see new calls for proposals from businesses to finance investments in green transition from the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP).​​


Grants for hydrogen projects under the Hydrogenation of the Economy Programme »

The National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management has announced a call for applications as part of the Hydrogenation of the Economy priority programme, which is to last from 3 June to 2 September 2024. ​​


Tax-deductibility of a deposit forfeited upon leaving the auction scheme »

Commercial producers and distributors of renewable energy may submit bids referred to in Article 79(3) of the RES Act in auctions for sale of electricity from renewable energy sources organised as part of the auction scheme.


Change of approach in VAT accounting by LGUs installing RES systems for residents or removing asbestos​ »

On 2 May 2024, a general advance tax ruling on: “Taxation of transactions carried out by local government units: installation of renewable energy systems and removal of asbestos” was issued.


Rejection of application for connecting a renewable energy system to the grid in Poland – an appeal, connecting the system to the grid on open market terms, and other options »​

​Despite ambitious plans to expand the renewables’ potential, limited access to the electricity grid is currently the main problem for such projects in Poland. ​​


Records and taxation of agricultural land hosting large-scale photovoltaic farms »

In July 2023, a group of parliament deputies sent a parliamentary question to the ministers of: finance, agriculture and rural development, as well as economic development and technology about classification of land occupied by large-scale photovoltaic farms.

Amendments to the Energy Law allowing oversizing of renewable energy installations »

Among the changes introduced by the October amendment to the Energy Law is a clear legal basis allowing oversizing renewable energy installations. 


Support for hydrogen projects »

The call for applications for funding from the Hydrogenation of the Economy Programme is about to open.


Subsidies and loans for RES in agricultural sector »

The National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management has announced a call for applications in the new support scheme called Rural Energy.


Renewable energy sources – major legislative changes on the horizon »

Renewable energy producers face major legislative changes – two key bills modifying the legal environment for renewable energy sources in Poland have recently landed in Sejm.


The Wind Farm Investment Act signed by Polish President »

The amended Wind Farm Investment Act signed by the Polish President sets 700 metres as the minimum distance between wind turbines and buildings.


The Sejm has adopted the government's bill amending the wind farm investment act »

The bill adopted by the Sejm relaxes the rules for the siting of onshore wind farms in Poland, albeit to a lesser extent than the industry expected.


State aid to energy-intensive sectors »

The Council of Ministers has adopted a programme "Aid to energy-intensive sectors related to sudden increases in natural gas and electricity prices in 2022".


Preferential loans with a bonus for energy-intensive enterprises »

Applications for preferential loans under the Energy Intensive Industries – RES priority programme may be submitted by 30 April 2023. 


How to calculate the price cap – new regulation »

On 9 November 2022, the Council of Ministers published a regulation on how to calculate the price cap.


European Commission announces changes in the energy market »

In the light of the energy crisis caused by Russia's manipulation of fuel and commodity supplies, the European Commission has proposed measures to protect consumers against radical hikes in energy prices and to stabilise the market situation.


Call for applications for funding of industrial high-efficiency cogeneration »

The National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management has announced a call for applications for funding under the priority programme "Cogeneration for Energy and Industry".


A bill relaxing the wind farm construction rules has arrived in Sejm »

The Ministry of Climate and Environment has announced that the bill amending the Wind Farm Investment Act is now in the lower chamber of the Polish parliament (Sejm).


Extended deadlines for RES producers »

The Polish president signed the Act amending the Environmental Act and certain other acts on 13 June 2022.


Polish power industry 2022 – on the verge of transition to hydrogen »

One of the most interesting events marking the development of the Polish power industry was signing “the Polish Hydrogen Strategy until 2030” at the end of 2021.

RES alerts »

Stay up to date with the topic of renewable energy sources and find out why it is worth investing in RES.


Development of photovoltaic industry in Poland »

According to the data from Agencja Rynku Energii S.A., an energy market agency, the total capacity of PV power plants in Poland reached almost 4 GW at the end of December 2020.


Municipalities as VAT taxable persons in the context of projects aimed at promoting RES »

On 16 April 2021, the Supreme Administrative Court (SAC) issued a decision in which it referred the following requests for a preliminary ruling to the Court of Justice of the European Union.


Electricity consumption can bring profits to businesses »

Energy-intensive businesses can take advantage of certain financial preferences. These are capacity fee discount and excise duty exemption.


RES reference prices 2021 – draft regulation of the Ministry of Climate and Environment »

The Ministry of Climate and Environment has published a draft regulation setting the maximum prices of electricity which investors may offer in this year’s renewable energy auctions, i.e. reference prices.


Environmental permit for a photovoltaic farm »

Among renewable energy sources photovoltaic energy has the strongest development potential in Poland. More and more businesses interested in eco-friendly solutions decide to build photovoltaic farms.


Investing in Polish wind farms – tax implications for chain supply participants »

The current Polish law prohibits the construction and operation of wind farms on internal sea waters and territorial sea.


Support system for biogas plants in Poland »

Poland shows high potential for production and use of biogas for energy purposes.


Regulation on reference prices to apply at 2020 renewable energy auctions »

The regulation on reference prices published yesterday sends a strong reassuring signal to investors amid their concerns about the impact of COVID-19 on holding renewable energy auctions in 2020.


Anti-crisis shield and the RES sector »

The crisis connected with the COVID-19 epidemic has taken a heavy toll on the RES sector. The thriving green energy sector, which was developing impressively in Poland, has run into unexpected difficulties.


Changes in contacting the Energy Regulatory Office »

The Energy Regulatory Office (ERO) has announced a temporary suspension of direct customer service, both in its Warsaw headquarters and its field offices.


Renewable energy sources: decrease in electricity prices vs. auction system »

The steady growth in electricity prices has encouraged renewable energy producers to look with confidence to free-market energy trade models.


Current status of PPA in Poland »

As in other countries, also in Poland the interest in PPAs concerning purchasing electricity from renewable power producers is constantly growing.


Amended Renewable Energy Law in Poland »

You need to have nerves of steel to invest in renewable energies in Poland. The government postponed for another six months the effective date of the provisions regulating the auction system.


The RES Act's amendment which is of key importance to investors has landed in Parliament »

After months of preparation, the RES Act amendment bill was submitted to Polish Parliament on 26 March 2018. On 11 April the bill was sent for the first reading in the Energy and Treasury Committee.


Auction rules and the auction in support of renewable energy sources »

In accordance with the Polish Renewable Energy Sources Act, the renewable energy support scheme based on green certificates has been replaced by the so-called auction system.


A good change in the RES Act? »

In the lawmakers' view the amended Renewable Energy Sources Act was supposed to clarify the principles of the production and use of electricity from renewable energy sources for own needs.


A few legal notes on the first auctions for renewable energy sources »

The first auctions for renewable energy sources in Poland were held on 30/12/2016. Four separate auctions were scheduled.


Record generation of wind energy and its impact on the National Electric Power System »

3 January 2017 went down in the history of Polish wind power industry. Due to the heaviest storm the Baltic sea saw in many years, caused by Alex.


New Wind Farm Investment Act – the so-called distance act »

A new act on wind farm investments entered into force on 16 July 2016. It introduces requirements for the distance of wind farms from residential buildings or mixed-use buildings with a residential function.


Foreign enterprises investing in wind farms in Poland can claimcompensation from the state »

The Polish Wind Energy Investments Act of 20 May 2016 has thwarted both Polish and foreign investors in implementing many wind farm projects that they have been developing for years.


Cross-border RES auctions to start in Poland »

On 1 July 2016, the amendment to the Renewable Energy Act (hereafter: RES Act) came into force.


State Aid in the RES Act »

Almost a year has passed since the RES Act came into force and the interpretation of some of its provisions still remain a mystery.


Renewable electricity sales prices offered by auction in the context of VAT »

The currently applicable Renewable Energy Sources Act (RES Act) has introduced a new system of support for electricity producers.


Industrial customers – eligibility for reduction in the purchase cost of electricity »

The Renewable Energy Sources Act is associated almost exclusively with the new rules to support green electricity producers.


Contact Person Picture

Przemysław Rogiński

Attorney at law (Poland)


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